Character design + Full crew Illustration

Hello and welcome back. Last post was showing you one of the characters for the comic, this post is to show you the full crew. Miranda’s crew is finally fully designed. Well, to say fully is to go a bit far, I am planning on doing some more designing for each character (expressions, hair view from the back and such).

The team is conformed of four female, four males (five) and a dog (male). The reason I say that there are four males when there are actually five is because this fifth one is a little special and cannot (more like I don’t want to) be put in either group, but I will talk about him in later posts dedicated to each character individually.

Starting off with the base, I drew the bodies of each character making clear their height, weight/body shape and the pose. The pose is very representative of their personalities so it was something important. As you can see, first steps are crucial and are what determine how the final product will be.

Full Crew Sketch

Then I did the clothing, hair, and faces. The expression each of them has is also very representative of them. In fact, I did not draw anything arbitrarily, so everything that you see is that way for a reason. Doing the clothing, but the way, was quite time consuming and not because I had to design everything – I had already a very clear idea of what their clothes would look like, except for the shoes – but because I had to do it, 9 times.

Full Crew Lines

Finally, the coloring, for most of the characters, it was easy; I had already decided what colors to use. For the rest (3 of them, if you want me to be precise), oh my, I suffered. I hate having to decide on the colors once I am coloring, I need to have them in mind before I even start to draw, if not, I struggle a lot.

Full Crew Color Base

Full Crew Color

There are two colored versions, one without apron

Full Crew Color Aprons

And one with apron

Surprisingly, that is it. It was a very simple process but it took me a lot of hours to do it, just because I had to do 9 and a half full body characters. Half because, I mean, the dog, the dog was a blessing to do. On another note, I thought of shading the characters, but, I did this to have a clear reference of the characters characteristics (this seems so redundant), so shading it would take away some of my original intention. If there isn’t any shading, I can easily pick up the colors when I need them, as well as see the characters’ shapes better.

Thanks a lot for reading me today, I left the link of the time lapse painting under the images, as always. The video is long (20 min, if you want me to be precise, again) so the process could be seen better. See you next week and have a very nice weekend. ♥

P.s. I am already painting the first page of the comic and I also did a full map of the world they live in, but I will leave this for next week’s post. 😉

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